
Team Pink are the team of the Executive Officers and Assistants who are responsible for the running and development of the National Student Scout and Guide Organisation.

Rose Moran

I'm Rose and I am your new events officer! I studied maths at keele University (grad 2021) and am now returning to university to train to become a secondary school maths teacher.
SSAGO has been a massive part of my life these last few years and I am looking forward to being able to give back to this great community that SSAGO has created. I have been part of Girlguiding since Rainbows and then also joined Scouting when I became an Explorer.
My main goals for the next year:
- to set up each event with a clear timeline of what is needed to run an event (and by when) to help minimise committee burnout and last minute stresses.
- to continue with the work I did as members officer, by trying to make events inclusive and accessible to all. This includes making individual wellbeing plans for those who may benefit from it.


June 2024


  • Supporting Events: I have now had introductory/getting started meetings with all of our new national event which were voted in at this years AGM and set clear goals for the next few months. Supported Birthday ball and Sports Day rally in the final planning stages for their events.
  • Events Templates: I have finished making a set of starter planning templates for each different aspect of a rally which the newest events have started trialling. The aims of these is to give events a clear structure and make them aware of what level of detail they should be planning at from the beginning.
  • Event Timelines: I have created a a more structured plan of what rally committees should be working on throughout the course of their planning time. To suit the various lengths of time events have to plan, I have made a clear timeline that splits this time across 7 meetings that Team Pink will have with the event. Each meeting will have a specific focus so that myself and the events can make the most of each meeting by being able to prepare in advance.


  • Demo Event Website: From discussions with previous events, support on how to best understand and great a good website is something that is potentially lacking. Therefore, over the next few months I plan to make an example event page with all the feature you can utilise within an event website so that events can visually see how each feature works.
  • Event Timelines: I would like to make a similar timeline to help ball committees use their time efficiently and have a more clear structure.
  • Event Kit: Work with the rest of Team Pink to work out an effective system for sorting and logging SSAGO event kit.

March 2024


  • Supporting Events: Most of my SSAGO time goes towards providing support and advice to the national events. I have had meetings with all the events and assisted in any way I can. For example, went to a site visit with Rally Through Time and helped Birthday Ball with their risk assessment.
  • Event Surveys: Created an anonymous event debrief form and a check up reflection form for event committees to fill in. These so far have been really useful in helping committees to reflect and be honest regarding where they are up to in the planning process.
  • SSAGO goes to Spoons: Organised December 2023 SSAGO goes to Spoons as a test run for future events and sorted the badges being sent out or collected at rally so that we are all up to date.
  • Event Templates: Started to create new templates for the event resources drive.


  • Supporting Events: Obviously this is the main thing that I would like to continue working on, in particular making sure the new events have clear guidance on what to prioritise and how they would like to continue working with me in the future.
  • Demo Event Website: From discussions with previous events, support on how to best understand and great a good website is something that is potentially lacking. Therefore, over the next few months I plan to make an example event page with all the feature you can utilise within an event website so that events can visually see how each feature works.
  • Event Templates: Continue to create new templates on the events resources drive in time for them to be test by the new 2025 events.

November 2023


  • I published my previous few reports incorrectly and so my November 2023 report is below (see February 2022). Thanks!

February 2022


  • All events: I have had meetings with all events to get an update of where they are at and how team pink may be able to support them so far. This has included making arrangements of when to meet with them next.
  • Event Welfare: Starting to work on methods in which events can honestly discuss how planning and group collaboration are going in the lead up to their events. I will introduce these to events very soon.
  • Event Resources: maintaining and keeping event resources up to date.
  • Team Pink: Discussing how we can work to improve the dynamic between events and Team Pink in order to reduce added pressures and workload.


  • Event Questionnaire: to put together a questionnaire to find out how they have found support in the past and how team pink can help events going forward.
  • Event Resources: to continue to maintain and keep up to date the event resources drive and add new documents as requested by events.

January 2022


  • Membership: Finished sorting membership and closed the appropriate clubs.
  • Indie and Associate Rep Handover: Had a successful handover and helped them to settle into their roles.


  • Welfare Kit: To finish off putting together the welfare first aid kit so that it can be used at ball.
  • Payments: Get the last few membership payments from clubs.

September 2021


  • New Clubs: Had introduction meetings with a few universities so potentially new clubs soon!
  • Closing clubs: Unfortunately, Covid has been very hard on a lot of clubs especially when trying to fill committee positions. Therefore I have had to start the process of closing clubs for a few. However, I plan to leave these clubs open on the website for another 6 months in case some fresher want to (fingers crossed!) start them up again.
  • New members: I've been spending most of my time talking to new members and sorting them into the correct clubs!


  • Indie and Associate rep elections: Currently setting these up and I plan to help the current reps with promotion and give any support needed during the handover period.
  • Freshers and new members: I am working with clubs to support them as we head back to face-to-face meetings and with planning their programmes.

May 2021


  • Socials: In the last month I joined in with NUSSAGG, DUSAGG and SAGGY's joint social night and had an in-person picnic with BUSAG.
  • New Clubs: I have gotten in contact with some university networks in Northern Ireland in the hopes of creating new links.


  • Closing clubs: Started working alongside Charlotte (Archivist) on a new official process for closing clubs. I hope to have this sorted by the end of June, including a new closing clubs factsheet.
  • Regions: Working with each region to discuss what they want/need from their region.
  • Participating in as many club events as possible!

March 2021


  • St. George's Event: I worked alongside the publicity and international officer to run this years St. Georges event.
  • Socials: In the last month I have participated in Lancaster and Derby's joint fussion day festival, joined DUSAGG's baking social, and joined in with NUSSAGG, DUSAGG and SAGGY's joint social night


  • Working with each region to discuss what they want/need from their region.
  • Participating in as many club events as possible.