Awarded Friday 4th of April 2014
Dedication to Southampton SSAGO, Local Scouting and National SSAGO, taking on the role of Webmaster and building the new SSAGO website, membership and events system.
I would like to nominate Oliver Bills of Southampton SSAGO for the Cutlery Cup in 2014. This nomination is supported unanimously by all members of Southampton SSAGO who were present at the weekly club meeting on 10th March 2014 (approximately 30 people, the vast majority of the club’s active membership).
Oli joined Southampton SSAGO in October 2011 and was instantly one of the club’s most enthusiastic and likable members. From day one he got stuck in with all of the socials and was always the life of the party. Whether it was turning up to film night with a whole bag of snacks or donning his finest tight and bright for a night out at Reflex, you could guarantee that Oli would be there giving his all.
Unfortunately, Oli was not able to join SSAGO the following year due to personal reasons. During his absence he was missed by the other club members and we were all very happy when he re-joined SSAGO in September 2012. Again, what followed was a year of generosity, and friendliness. Oli was, and still is, fantastic at welcoming in new members from all walks of life and making them feel at home. I feel that Oli has majorly contributed to the continued large membership that the club has seen over the last few years. To this day, Oli is still outrageously generous without bias. If Oli can help, he will.
Oli was elected to the role of Southampton SSAGO Secretary in early 2013 and filled this role with great gusto. His outrageous typing speed along with knowledge of all the club members made him perfect for this role. Oli is also heavily involved in Southampton University Students’ Union (SUSU) which was really beneficial for SSAGO as knowing the system better allowed us to get more out of SUSU. Not only was he the secretary but he stepped up to assist the webmaster with updating the website and mailing lists where necessary. Recently, Oli was elected as Social Secretary for Southampton SSAGO for the upcoming academic year and has already sprung to action. He, along with the other Social Secretary, has provided a great array of socials for next term and listening to his ideas for next year, I am left in no doubt that the freshers will enjoy SSAGO as much as we all do.
Not only has Oli provided a great contribution to Southampton SSAGO, but he is now the National SSAGO webmaster. His vast knowledge of computer programming and systems are certain to be vital with the large amount of development the SSAGO website, rally/ball website and membership system need. Oli’s outrageous efficiency means that SSAGO is sure to have a system to be proud of. Members of the national exec have already remarked on his efficiency at website updates and he has not technically taken over the role yet!
As well as being a great asset to SSAGO, Oli is also involved in Scouting in the local area as an Assistant Beaver Scout Leader and has been an active member in the revival of Southampton City Network. The group Oli leads at was perilously low on Beaver leaders so Oli’s generous offer to become and ABSL has saved the colony and allowed it to grow.
Oli embodies everything that a Scout should aim for in life; he is humble, generous, friendly, honest, and trustworthy. His vast knowledge and set of skills make him invaluable to SSAGO both at a club and national level and his friendly, welcoming demeanour make everyone feel at home. He is an asset to the Beaver Colony he leads at and has assisted Network in any way he can. At every opportunity Oli gives far beyond what is required of him and it is this dedication to SSAGO and Scouting that make him the perfect candidate for the Cutlery Cup.