
Team Pink are the team of the Executive Officers and Assistants who are responsible for the running and development of the National Student Scout and Guide Organisation.

Lucy Smith

Hi I'm Lucy and I am the SSAGO national publicity officer for the 2024-2025 term!

I joined Girlguiding at 5 years old and haven't stopped since! I was a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide, and Ranger back in my home unit back at Surrey. Here I also achieved my Young Leader Qualification, my Adult Leader Qualification as a Guide leader and my Queens Guide Award! With my love for the Guiding movement, joining SSAGO was a no-brainer once I had found out about it while volunteering at Wellies and Wristbands in 2022.

Since starting University I have opened a Brownie unit from scratch with another SSAGO member, where we are both co-leaders. I study at Nottingham so I am a SNoG, and was their Secretary for the 2023-2024 academic year. I helped organise the Midlands Freshers Camp 2023, and I am publicity and secretary for Goose Ball 2025.

In September 2024 I will be going into my third year of studying BSc Psychology and debating what masters I need to do to keep me in SSAGO just a little while longer!


June 2024


  • General social media
  • So far this year I have began to create and upload posts to the Instagram and facebook showcasing what has been going on in SSAGO, including future events and SSAGO support events.
  • Brining tiktok back to life
  • I have began to plan, create and upload tiktoks in attempt to target younger populations.
  • Adobe
  • Reactivated the adobe account for SSAGO event committees to use upon request.
  • Freshers publicity
  • Started to gauge interest in SSAGO publicity for clubs to use over freshers. Learnt that there isn't much interest, assuming as a lot of clubs will have personalised publicity materials.
  • Publicity guide
  • I have started work on a small guide to publicity which includes tips and tricks that once finished I plan to distribute to clubs and put on the SSAGO website.
  • Welsh translations
  • Worked on updating SSAGO leaflets to contain correct information and send these off to be translated to Welsh to they can be used by Universities in Wales. Currently working on getting the translations onto the leaflet designs.


  • Instagram:
  • Post as consistently as possible.
  • Varying and engaging posts and stories.
  • Share posts to facebook too.
  • Tiktok:
  • Post engaging tiktoks to showcase SSAGO to younger generations.
  • Share these onto the instagram and facebook too.
  • New club highlight scheme:
  • Attempt a new format of post which involves reaching out to clubs in regards to one of their highlights of the year to share to socials to give an insight into other clubs.
  • Focus this over the course of the summer as posts can get scarce around this time of year due to less SSAGO stuff ongoing.
  • Freshers publicity
  • Publicise SSAGO around A level results period and around the time of freshers.
  • Support clubs in their publicity around freshers and refreshers periods.