
Team Pink are the team of the Executive Officers and Assistants who are responsible for the running and development of the National Student Scout and Guide Organisation.

Grace Hinks

Hi I'm Grace and I am the National Secretary for 2024-2025!

I joined Girlguiding when I was 5 and was a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide and Ranger, and went on to be a Young Leader for my local Rainbows, Brownies and Guide units (all at different times when the units needed it!). I absolutely adored my time in Guiding but, unfortunately, this experience was cut short and before I knew it I was at University and had a Girlguiding sized hole in my heart.

I discovered SSAGO near the end of my first year of Uni after friends from a different club encouraged me to join SNoGS (Nottingham). Since joining I have been the SNoGS Social Secretary, helped organise Midlands Freshers camp in 2023, and I am now Logistics for Rally Front to Back in 2025! Joining SSAGO has absolutely been the highlight of my time at University and my only regret is not joining sooner!

I am about to graduate from the University of Nottingham with a History BA, and will be taking a step back from education. However, this means I can dedicate plenty of my time to SSAGO and Team Pink!


June 2024


  • Getting Started: As I joined Pink late, I've had some catching up to do, however after some long handover meetings and incredible support from Team Pink, I am now confident in my understanding of the behind the scenes of SSAGO and I am looking forward to fully jumping into my role.
  • Awards: The SSAGO awards and commendations awarded at Birthday Ball 2024 have now been updated and published to the SSAGO website.
  • Meetings: I have organised and taken minutes for two Team Pink meetings, and, whilst these minutes still need to be published, it is at the top of my to do list now I am no longer busy with university!
  • Finished my Degree: I joined Pink with less than two months left of my degree, and I can now say I have completed all the necessary work and will be graduating this summer!


  • Communication: I want to continue to provide open and clear lines of communication with SSAGO. I hope to send plenty more emails and I am currently exploring ways to make these as engaging and accessible as possible.
  • Reps: Due to some set backs, the Reps meeting will be taking place after Summer Rally this year, I want to help make it go as smoothly as possible given the changes to the usual scheduling. I also now have a better idea on the work that goes into organising and carrying out Reps, which puts me in a great position for next time!
  • SSAGO Policy: Some policy and factsheets are still in the process of being updated. I have spent some time already expanding my current knowledge and getting as familiar with SSAGO policy as possible (something I have thoroughly enjoyed!). I am looking forward to continuing to explore the policy and helping keep policies and factsheets up to date!